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Lunatik film


Patrida Film poster, film by ayca damgaci and tumay goktepe

"The movie has a lot of questions about "assigned belonging - identity", some of the answers, and a series of feelings and thoughts that it leaves to the viewer.

Milliyet Gazetesi / Asu Maro

"Tümay Göktepe and Ayça Damgacı use all the clichés so effectively and sincerely that Patrida deserves the title of the only film of international standard in the competition in my eyes."

Bianet / Murat Türker

"Patrida, the homeland, is a place we carry in our hearts. It is with us wherever we go, wherever we are. Neither a fixed ground nor a fixed time. Maybe it has always been like that. Those who migrated hid it with their silence, and we caused the answers to stay where they were hiding with the questions we did not ask, with the questions we could not ask."

T24 / Ebru Nihan Celkan

"Of course, every train journey ends, but the inner journey of most of us regarding identity, belonging and roots continues for a lifetime.”

Bantmag / Yiğit Atılgan

Documentary film , 67 min.

Directors: Ayça Damgacı & Tümay Göktepe

Editor: Karine Germain

Color Grading: Fabiana Cardalda

Sound Design: Benoit Chabert D’Hyeres

Final Mix: Alexander Gress & Christian Stingel

Producers: LUNATİK FILM, MACALUBE FILMS, TAVMA, LYON CAPITALE TV                        

Patrida Film, Documentary
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